Grace Blog


Daily Grace Sunday June 25, 2023 WHEN GOD’S PEOPLE PRAY

Daily Grace Sunday June 25, 2023 WHEN GOD’S PEOPLE PRAY

Sunday June 25, 2023
Text: 2 Chronicles 7:1-14
Verse of The Day: “[If] My people who are called by My name humble
themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their
land” ~ (2 Chronicles 7:14 NASB).
God knew there was sin in the land. He was ready to act. Something had to
His focus was not on sinners or the godless, but on His own people. They
needed to humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their
wicked ways. Only then would He hear, forgive, and heal their land.
The same principle applies today. It can be easy to focus on the immorality,
blasphemy, corruption, and godlessness we see in the world around us. But
God tells us He focuses on His people. He watches to see how we react.
If you want to see change, start with prayer! Humble yourself before God.
Seek His face. Ask Him to convict you of anything that displeases Him ~ any
thought or activity, any hobby or habit. Make sure to confess your sins,
repent, and seek to make changes.
The Bible promises that God is ready to “hear from heaven.” He is ready to
forgive the sins of our people and heal our land and ready to act in powerful
ways. But we need to be passionate about our prayers. Will we seek Him
persistently? Will we pray with passion? Will we cry out for His mercy? For
healing? For His power to fall on us?
Today, commit to praying more intensely and to pray for the lost. Pray that
the Spirit will fall. Pray that God will send revival. Pray until our land is
Prayer: Dear Lord, forgive my sins. Forgive the sins of your people. Help us
turn from our wicked ways. Heal our land. Bring revival in Jesus Name ~
ACTION POINT: Pray without ceasing.

Bible in 365 Days

Isa 56, Matt 4

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