Grace Blog


Daily Grace Monday June 26, 2023 GOD WILL DO A NEW THING (1)

Daily Grace Monday June 26, 2023 GOD WILL DO A NEW THING (1)

Monday June 26, 2023
TEXT: Isaiah 43:18-19
VERSE OF THE DAY: “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall
spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the
wilderness, and rivers in the desert” Isaiah 43:19.
A new beginning is a conscious decision to walk out of old ways of
doing things into positive and better ways of doing them. The Bible
makes us understand that God, our Father takes delight in doing
new things and so also should we, His children, take delight in the
God delights in seeing us turn from our former and unpleasant ways
of life to a new beginning. Be it a failure in life, business or career,
spiritual dryness, sinful life etc., God wants a better and new
beginning for us and He will give it to whosoever desires it.
God is ready to give us a brand new beginning if we decide to return
to Him, and He will give us again our enviable place in redemption.
Jer 15:19. Let us look at Biblical examples of how God gave His
people a new beginning;
Jabez [1 chronicles 4:9-10]. He had a life and destiny characterized
by sorrow and pain. Failure in all areas of life was his lot from
childhood because his mother gave birth to him in sorrow. Jabez
sought a new beginning, he cried unto God in faith for a new
beginning characterized by a change of story and God heard Jabez
and answered him with a new beginning of glory and honour. Jabez
afterwards became a man whose story became that of success and
glory because he sought a new beginning from God and got it.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, change my story in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION POINT: God is ever ready and willing to give you a new beginning.

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