Grace Blog


Archives May 2023



Some people has erroneously tagged their fate to be unfortunate and so have claimed that life being so unfair is the reason for the unproductive life they are living. in contrast, the life of a living legend Bishop Dr. Paul Nwachukwu the founding father and presiding Bishop of Grace of God int church, southeast Nigeria has cleared the air. it has shown that life being so unfair has been so fair and it’s all about you.
His pretty pickle was just all about him year 1947. July 22nd as his mother did not live to nurse her new born. it was a great misfortune for him being deprived of mother’s milk and care. the walls of his hospital of birth Iyienu General hospital ogidi, in Anambra state felt the unfriendliness of life to the new born as the news spread across its nooks and crannies. her name was SUZANNA daughter of Igweze family of ifite village Awkuzu, in Anambra state.
Another stroke of misfortune was fast-forward to 1956 when his father left him too. He was just 9yrs old and had much need of the father’s care at that time. His father was a veteran during the world war II and worked auxiliary as a nurse at same hospital were his new boy was born. although people identified him as “that auxiliary nurse that lost his wife” that was after Suzanna had passed. little Paul knowing nothing of the mother and little of the father was a good sign that life was not fair.
As though nature was fair, he was left to grow amongst his two siblings who came before him, masculine Authur and feminine Jemima. although they were little too at that time but it felt like having smaller version of Parenthood fashioned in their character. they taught him his Early learnings of how to use few words, identify numbers and Scrabble on the floor. however during one of their plays down in the Anambra River those days, he almost drawn in the river but his brother Arthur was near and some friends too. how would they have told their story and how much would have the world lost had hel drawn in that river. hence his love for them and theirs for him could not be replaceable. families are to learn from that. no man is an island of himself. the little love shared and shown could be the bond that keeps people stronger. like broom he was bonded to his two siblings and they to himself. like many others Paul was a religious young man who grew up as a lover of God in the Anglican Church and through Archbishop C.J Patterson received the sacrament of baptism of infancy at St. Andrew odoakpu Onitsha. However he was business minded and had thought nothing more than his business of fish selling. meeting at Medugri were he buys stock fishes and mangala fish from some foreign sellers of other Republic like Niger and Chad then sells down to other people in the state. he was good in business and made his first wealth those Early years through his fishing business while his great encounter with God took place.

it was Evangelist Billy Graham’s book “peace with God” which he got at a book store on the 11th of sept. 1965 that called him out to encounter God and the need for salvation and on the 24th of sept. 1967 he was opportune to give his first sermon which he titled AT THE END OF THE DAY, HOW IS IT GOING TO BE WITH YOUR SOUL IF YOU DIE? this was following a mandate given to him in a dream by a small boy he saw in that dream mandating him to read the book of Ezekiel 33:7,8 &9 that God has made him a watchman over His people. that was the beginning of his mandate which he has been on. The mandate was on the 19th of sept. 1967. Precisely many years ago.


More data coming soon ……..


Bishop Dr. Paul C. Nwachukwu was born on 22nd July 1947. He is a native of Ajakpani Village, Umunya, In Oyi Local Government Area of Anambra State. Paul became born again on September 11, 1965, and started preaching in 1967. He was called to the ministry in 1968 and attended New Covenant Bible College,Benin International School of Ministry Sandiego, California, U.S.A.
in 1980 where h

e obtained Diploma and Higher Diploma


Certificates in Theology.
in 1973 as well.


Bishop (Dr.) Paul C. Nwachukwu is the founding father and the Presiding Bishop of the First Indigenous Pentecostal Church, South Eastern Nigeria, Grace of God Mission Int’l. The Church has over 800 branches in Africa and around the world.
Presently, he is a member of the National Advisory Council of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN). Papa as he is fondly called is also the life President of Kingdom Life World Evangelism Outreach. He is also the supervising President of
Dominion Mandate – a Missionary, Revival, and Restoration Ministry for end-time reawakening.
Bishop (Dr) Paul C. Nwachukwu is one of the pioneers of the 1970 Pentecostal Revival in Nigeria, an erudite scholar, a
preacher of sound doctrine, a promoter of missionary mandate, and a revivalist.
He is married and his marriage is blessed with four lovely children.



To Get a copy of this book call: 07032823026 or visit



TEXT: JAMES 1:22-23


God has given the Holy Spirit, and if we are not filled with the Holy Spirit, it is due to some form of unwillingness on our side. It may be due to an unwillingness on our part to abandon the sins which prevent His infilling. We must be willing not only to separate ourselves from sin but to rid ourselves of sin. We can be worldly without ever entering a place of worldliness. We need to cleanse ourselves from all contamination of the body and Spirit, 2 Corinthians 7:1. We are to do this cleansing ourselves by deliberately removing from our lives those things that are displeasing to the Lord and unclean in His sight, 1 John 1:9.

It may be due to an unwillingness on our part to accept by faith the promise which secures His infilling, Galatians 3:14. When we have acknowledged our need, accepted the implications and abandon the sins which hinder the Spirit-filled life, then we must ask the. Lord to fill us with His. Holy Spirit, Luke 11:13, and accept His infilling by Faith (1 John 5:14-15).

It may be due to unwillingness on our part to adopt the means which maintain His infilling. The secret of the abiding fullness of the Holy Spirit is found in John 2:5. How important. it is for us to learn not only the secret of His filling but of maintaining His filling. The secret is abiding in Christ, John 15:5.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I am willing to be filled and controlled by you in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Isa 1
Heb 9


Healthy lifestyle

Ensuring a healthy lifestyle is a vital aspect of every individual’s well-being. Incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine can lead to a healthier and happier life while reducing the risk of medical conditions. Embracing a healthy lifestyle requires commitment and dedication, but the results are worth the effort. A routine that entails regular physical activity, a balanced diet, enough sleep, reducing stress, and avoiding unhealthy habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol intake can significantly improve one’s overall health. Remember, with the right mindset, healthy living is a lifelong journey to a happier and more fulfilling life.


Kindly share if you agree.

Strategies to Draw God’s Favor

To attract favor from the divine realm, there are various tactics one can employ. These methods may include engaging in acts of charity, consistently practicing meditation and prayer, and carrying oneself with compassion and integrity. Maintaining a positive demeanor and treating others with kindness can also invite blessings from higher powers. Essentially, living a life guided by morality and selflessness can prove to be a magnet for the grace and blessings of God.

Kindly share if you agree.

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1. ADULT* has 5 letters,
so does *YOUTH .

2. *PERMANENT* has 9 letters,
so does *TEMPORARY* .

3. *GOOD* has 4 letters,
so does *EVIL* .

4. *BLACK* has 5 letters,
so does *WHITE* .

5. *CHURCH* has 6 letters,
so does *MOSQUE* .

6. *BIBLE* has 5 letters,
so does *QUR’AN* .

7. *LIFE* has 4 letters,
so does *DEAD* .

8. *HATE* has 4 letters,
so does *LOVE* .

9. *ENEMIES* has 7 letters,
so does *FRIENDS* .

10. *LYING* has 5 letters,
so does *TRUTH* .

11. *HURT* has 4 letters,
so does *HEAL* .

12. *NEGATIVE* has 8 letters,
so does *POSITIVE* .

13. *FAILURE* has 7 letters,
so does *SUCCESS* .

14. *BELOW* has 5 letters,
so does *ABOVE* .

15. *CRY* has 3 letters,
so does *JOY* .

16. *ANGER* has 5 letters,
so does *HAPPY* .

17. *RIGHT* has 5 letters,
so does *WRONG* .

18. *RICH* has 4 letters,
so does *POOR* .

19. *FAIL* has 4 letters,
so does *PASS* .

20. *KNOWLEDGE* has 9 letters,
so does *IGNORANCE* .
Are they all by Coincidence?

This means *LIFE* is like a double edged sword but the choice we make determines our future.
*“You may not like THIS ANALOGY, but it’s true”*

– When *GOD* wanted to create *FISH*, he spoke to the *SEA*

– When *GOD* wanted to create *TREES*, he spoke to the *EARTH*.

– But when *GOD* wanted to create *MAN*, he turned to *HIMSELF*.

– So *GOD* said:
*”Let us make man in our image and likeness”*.

– If you take a *fish* out of the *water*
it will *die*;
And when you remove a *tree* from the *ground*, it also *dies*.

– Similarly, when *man* disconnects from *GOD*, he *dies.*

🔆 *GOD* is our *natural environment*.
We were created to *live in HIS presence.*

– We have to be connected to *Him* because only with *Him* does LIFE exist and have meaning.

– Let’s stay *connected to GOD.*

🔆 Remember that *water* without *fish* is still *water,* but *fish* without water is *nothing* .

🔆The *soil* *without* the *tree* is still *soil,* but the *tree* without soil is *nothing* .

🔆 *God* *without* *man* is still *God,* but *man* *without GOD* is *nothing*

🔆 If this message reaches you and you share it with others, that is called:

“God Bless You”.




Bishop Dr. Paul C. Nwachukwu was born on 22nd July 1947. He is a native of Ajakpani Village, Umunya, In Oyi Local Government Area of Anambra State. Paul became born again on September 11, 1965, and started preaching in 1967. He was called to the ministry in 1968 and attended New Covenant Bible College,Benin International School of Ministry Sandiego, California, U.S.A.
in 1980 where h

e obtained Diploma and Higher Diploma

Certificates in Theology.
in 1973 as well.

Bishop (Dr.) Paul C. Nwachukwu is the founding father and the Presiding Bishop of the First Indigenous Pentecostal Church, South Eastern Nigeria, Grace of God Mission Int’l. The Church has over 800 branches in Africa and around the world.
Presently, he is a member of the National Advisory Council of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN). Papa as he is fondly called is also the life President of Kingdom Life World Evangelism Outreach. He is also the supervising President of
Dominion Mandate – a Missionary, Revival, and Restoration Ministry for end-time reawakening.
Bishop (Dr) Paul C. Nwachukwu is one of the pioneers of the 1970 Pentecostal Revival in Nigeria, an erudite scholar, a
preacher of sound doctrine, a promoter of missionary mandate, and a revivalist.
He is married and his marriage is blessed with four lovely children.

To Get a copy of this book call: 07032823026 or visit

Spiritual Fatherhood Not for Sale

The Author of this Book, Bishop Paul Nwachukwu Jnr. is an ordained Bishop in Grace of God Mission International.

He is happily married to a Godly woman, Rev. Mrs. Dorathy Chinwendu Nwachukwu, and their union is blessed with five Godly Children: Godslove, Bishop Paul, Glory Restored, Princess Dorathy, Prince David.

He is the first son of the pioneer post-Nigeria Civil War revivalist in the 1970s in Southeastern Nigeria. He was given a strong foundation in faith. He gave his life to Christ in 1984. He has been effective at different stages of his life. Been a Teens Sunday School teacher, House Fellowship

teacher, and the president of his secondary school fellowship, pioneered Grace Campus Fellowship at The University of Nigeria Nsukka and has been at the forefront of evangelization of Campuses in Nigeria. He has a special passion for the upcoming generation. He has been the International Pastor-in-charge of the developmental Ministry.

God has used him in many nations of the world. He Pioneered His Glory Parish Model of Grace of God Mission International, which was established in Nigeria Some African Countries, and Europe.

He has received several awards from international organizations, such as The Nigeria Red Cross Society and the UN Polach Ambassador of Peace. He has been one of the executive leaders of PFN Southeast. He is the Vice President of GTI (Grace Theological Institute), a national executive member, of Grace of God Mission, and Currently, the Bishop Presiding over the Headquarters of Grace of God Mission International Headquarters, Onitsha, Anambra state, Nigeria.


To Get a copy of this book call: 07032823026 or visit